Holistic project engineering

Depending on the project status and the experience in fluid injection, PME can adopt a supportive role at any time of the project phase, look after individual areas of responsibility or take on the entire engineering service.

Essentially, the earlier we are involved, the more specifically we can develop and work with regard to component construction and suitable fluid injection processes and the resulting series production.

Form synergies - connect interfaces

Component development

Based on the customer’s wishes, we develop the component design for you; with FEM calculation, if required, and also with filling simulations in 2D or 3D, if you wish.

Tool construction

The elementary fluid-specific tool design for the toolmaker is projected by PME. We would also love to provide support in the subsequent procurement of the product-ready injection moulding tool.

Material selection

With our many years of experience with a wide variety of plastic materials, we support you in selecting the right material for your application, relying on a narrow network of specialists at renowned material manufacturers.

We analyse your production-related sub-area for the realisation of the component and series production. Here, the focus is always on the component: an optimal symbiosis of component-specific benefit and the customer’s wish.

Record, document, optimise processes

Turn-key business of projects

Together with the customer, we define a specifications sheet. PME then assumes the implementation of the production line in the defined framework and hands it to the customer after successful implementation.

System construction for the fluid injection

We define the injector design and/or the water or gas injection system on a component-specific basis in order to achieve high-quality series production.

Series management

Here, the continuous production process at the customer’s premises is put to the test. The components are tested for constant reproducibility of the required quality standard and further parameters, which are defined in advance.

In addition, the automation process is analysed and, if necessary, optimised. The result is high-quality and smooth series production.

»flexible solutions for
your applications«